Pregnancy Care
For you and your growing miracle
Dr. Serr and her growing miracle.
Our Philosophy
We want our pregnant mothers to receive the best possible medical care, while still maintaining a family-centered approach. We offer in-house ultrasound and coordinate care with other specialists. We believe in open communication about how your pregnancy and labor unfold and actively involving you in health care decisions, with the ultimate goal of a healthy mom and baby. Congratulations!
Start Your Prenatal Care
Step 1.
Make sure we are a provider on your insurance plan. What Insurances Do We Take?
Step 2.
Download and complete our New Pregnancy Patient Packet (for both new and established patients).
Step 3.
Drop off, fax or mail your forms along with a copy of your insurance card (front and back) and picture ID.
Step 4.
Our office will contact you to make your appointment.

Pregnancy Resources & Tips
Pregnancy Tips
We have compiled some helpful tips for you to use during your pregnancy journey!
Important Practice Information
- Visits at our practice are split between Dr. Serr and our nurse practitioners. Most ultrasounds are done in-office in our family-accommodating ultrasound room.
- Our patients deliver at the newly renovated Family Birth Center at Dignity Health Care / Mercy Medical Center – Redding. Our doctors do not travel to Dignity / Mercy Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Red Bluff.
- We deliver patients who have had a prior cesarean section by repeat cesarean, due to the risk of life-threatening uterine rupture. Dignity / Mercy hospitals do not allow a patient to VBAC (deliver vaginally after a prior cesarean section).
- We do not accept patients who take illegal drugs or use medical marijuana during their pregnancy. We reserve the right to perform random drug tests.
- Dr. Serr delivers most of her patients, but does share after-hours and weekend call with Dr. Sam VanKirk, Dr. Amy Keurentjes, Dr. Greg Skipitis, Dr. Jorge Peña, and Dr. Rene Williams.
- We do not provide physician backup for home births or midwife deliveries.
- We are experienced at caring for women who are “AMA” (over age 35).
- We are not currently accepting pregnancy patients with very high risk pregnancies – such as patients with Lupus, Type I Diabetes, Seizure Disorder, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or morbid obesity.
- We expect our patients to be an active participant in their medical - pregnancy care, including being commpliant with routine pregnancy lab testing and visits.
Resources for Women in Shasta County
Prenatal Classes
Visit Mercy Hospital or call (888) 628-1948 to register for their Childbirth Education classes.
Pediatric Care
You have many choices for pediatric care, in both private practice and clinic settings. You want a practitioner who will both provide expert care and be a good personality fit with your family. Check out our list of Pediatric Providers.
Autism Awareness
To learn more about resources and support available for children with autism, visit our Autism Awareness page.
Our office has also compiled a list of resources for women spanning medical, family, educational, and entertainment.

Baby Gallery
Smile with a few of the babies we have helped deliver into their mother’s arms.